The Session Zero duo are joined by Ben Aldred, Assistant Professor and Liaison and Reference Librarian from The University of Illinois at Chicago, to discuss why it can be so difficult to find research on roleplaying and roleplayers in the field of psychology.
Steve Discont can found on twitter at @bearlynormal, and Porter Green at @DagmarRugosa.
Our guest Ben Aldred can be found at @sleepingscholar. You can find a blog of Ben’s thoughts on gaming here.
You can go to the following URLs or research articles to learn about some of the topics discussed in this episode:
Ben Aldred’s graduate thesis on the folkloric study of roleplaying
Ben Aldred’s study of the use of humor at the gaming table
“Tuskegee Experiment: The Infamous Syphilis Study” by Elizabeth Nix at
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Office for Human Research Protections
“Peer Review” by the American Psychological Association